Main Shut-off

A main water service valve is critical to preventing significant damage if a leak occurs downstream. A clear and specific location for all utility shut-offs should be reported to our clients. While we do not operate valves, we must evaluate them for defects. Inspect main water shut-offs for active and self-sealed leaks. A broken or missing handle renders them ineffective and should be reported. A missing or inaccessible shut-off is a defect that requires action.

The water service main shut-off valve is leaking. This will waste water and can cause damage. Hire a plumber to repair or replace the valve.

There is a self-sealed leak at the main water valve. This leak can become active at any time due to thermal expansion or system vibration. Hire a plumber to repair or replace the valve.

The water service main shut-off valve handle is broken. This presents a cutting hazard and may not allow the main valve to be turned off in the event of an emergency. Hire a plumber to replace the valve handle.

The water service main shut-off valve handle is missing. This prevents the main valve from being readily turned off in the event of an emergency. Hire a plumber to replace the valve handle.

The water service main shut-off valve is missing. Shut-off valves are required to stop all water flow into the home in case of an emergency or for servicing. Hire a plumber to install a shut-off valve.

The water service main shut-off valve is in an inaccessible location. Shut-off valves are required to stop all water flow into the home in case of an emergency or for servicing. Hire a plumber to relocate the valve to an accessible location.