Whirlpool Tub

In the component “Whirlpool Tub” we are looking at interior bathroom-based fixtures. These are frequently called “Jacuzzis”, but that is a brand name. Whirlpool tubs are different from outdoor spas and hot tubs, which are generally inspected for a separate fee or only as a courtesy. Bathroom whirlpools, once a luxury item, are now more commonplace. Obviously, our evaluation must include everything that’s covered in a regular bathtub. In this section we will focus on those sub-components that make a whirlpool what it is.

Whenever possible, a whirlpool should be filled above the highest jets and operated. DO NOT walk away from a filling tub or run the whirlpool when empty. Take a photo when the tub’s pump is running. All whirlpools should provide access to the pump motor. Inspect within when readily accessible and view the motor and pipes during operation. Look for leaks, and ensure the pump motor is securely mounted, connected to a GFCI device, and bonded. Jets that aerate should do so. Inspect for any missing or damaged parts. Report any excess debris or discoloration that discharges.

The whirlpool tub lacks an access panel or scuttle door. The pump has a reset button that cannot currently be operated. Hire a plumber to install an access panel or door.

The whirlpool tub’s motor is not connected to a GFCI device. This is a life-safety issue. Hire an electrician for repairs as needed.

The whirlpool pump is not electrically bonded. This is a safety hazard. Hire an electrician to properly bond the pump.

The whirlpool tub piping is leaking. This can cause damage to the surrounding area. Hire a plumber for an evaluation and to make the needed repairs or replacements.

The whirlpool tub water that exits the water jets is discolored and has debris. This implies that stagnant water has been sitting in the pipes for an extended time. Operate the tub jets and clean the jets as required.

There are jets at the whirlpool tub that are not aerating or producing bubbles. The inspector cannot determine if the jets are designed for this function. Hire a plumber for an evaluation and to make the needed repairs or replacements.

Some of the whirlpool tub water jets are missing parts. This prevents proper function. Repair or replace the required parts.